The Hogs took to the field at Kell and attempted an organized 7s tournament against ourselves. The prize: Beer and the Godzilla/Garden Gnome Attack Trophy.
We welcomed a ton of new Hogs: Ben Mertz, Midfield (GT), Danny Coughlin, Defense (GT), Spencer Pursley, Defense, (War Eagle), Tyler Stellwag, Midfield, (War Eagle), TJ Smith, Midfield, (Wittenberg), Eddie Kovel, Midfield (Emory).
Your tournament contenders: Tune Squad, led by Capt. Gerber. BigCat's Pride, led by Capt. Isaiah "BigCat" Sims and Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men, led by Capt. Chris Keating. We even had 5 or 6 fans in the stands at Kell. Thank you, fans.
Tune Squad vs WWIAFTM
Tune Squad vs BigCat's Pride
BigCat's Pride vs WWIAFTM
Championship: Tune Squad vs WWIAFTM
More pics from the games here.
Godzilla hanging with Ben Mertz, Bryan Vakiner and a headless TJ Smith.
Gerber vs. Connor. DMid Lyfe.
Master Chief Shout Out!
BigCat stepping up huuuuuuuge in the cage!
Solid laxcross going on.