East Cobb traveled to Greenville, SC this past weekend (August 27 & 28) to play in GLC's annual Invitational.
2-2 on the weekend.
All and all a good time - not the greatest result, but, we had a solid weekend, got some good PT in, never gave up and limited our injuries in our game vs. The Natives to a bruised jaw. We also added five new players to the squad, including Dillon "BJ" Thompson and Phil Floor on Defense, Dale Morley at Goalkeeper and Josh Dougherty and Austin Ambrose (aka 'Nubby') at Midfield.
ECLC 13-2 The Natives
ECLC 8-3 Slap Nut Mangos
Asheville LC 11-6 ECLC
Offensive MVP: Max Baker, Midfield
Max never ran out of energy and owned the midfield - ground ball machine.
Defensive MVP: Dillon Thompson, Close Defense
Biscuit Jr. a/k/a BJ was huge on D, dangled for days and was so positive he could probably withstand surgery without anesthesia.
We also played our last tournament for a good while with Joe Harmon - please wish him well as he begins his service in the U.S. Marine Corps and ships for Parris Island, SC in two weeks. We're proud of you, Joey!
Next tournament: Peach State Classic on Oct. 1st in Cobb County, GA
East Cobb LC Greenville Invitational 2016 Squadvegas
Evan Thompson, Connor Murphy, Joe Harmon, Scott Dockery. The Popeians.
Joe being Joe
GK Dale Morley and Max Baker, member of Team Waltonia since 2002