First time Hedgehog costume game at Carlton J. Kell High School under the lights. Great time despite the light numbers - most of us didn't realize how hot these things got when actually playing a game in them. Reptar might of had a heat stroke.
Solid work in between the pipes by Alex Crawford as a Crocodile. We also had...
Unicorn, a Bavarian, Colt 45 Bottle, a Pint, Batman, Sponge Bob, Average Joe's Player, a Canadian, two Reno 911 cops (our captains), Dockery with angel wings and Lentchner in our classy old club uniform.
Best costume goes to Jonathan Overman with the Unicorn.
Funniest costumes go to Isaiah Sims and David Pendas with the Reno 911 look - they didn't coordinate it and were "black cop and white cop" tonight.
Honorable mention: Crawford (Crocodile), Dillon Gross (Colt 45), Andrew Queen (Reptar).
The Squadzilla
Keeper Crocodile a/k/a Alex Crawford
Cop on Cop violence
Colt 45 never misses!
Reptar GB
Croc and Bavarian
SpongeBob Gerberpants